Sunday, March 25, 2012

Date portion comparison of a datetime field

I have a datetime variable coming from my ASP.NET application that has
a time portion. I give my users the option to perform an equals,
greater than, less than, or between comparison. The trouble comes in
the way the application builds the criteria string. The WHERE clause
passed in is in the format, "(start_dt = '2005/05/16 07:00:00.000')".
What I want to do is only compare the date portion of start_dt to the
date portion of the passed in time. Manipulating the start_dt with the
built-in SQL functions isn't a problem, but altering the date passed in
from the ASP.NET would be a massive framework change in the app.
Is there any way to only compare the date portions of both the SQL
field and the passed in value?
Thanks.Create a stored procedure instead creating the statement dynamically.
create procedure dbo.usp_proc1 datetime
set nocount on
select c1, ..., cn
from table1
start_dt >= convert(char(8),, 112)
and start_dt < convert(char(8), dateadd(day, 1,, 112)
return @.@.error
"colinhumber" wrote:

> I have a datetime variable coming from my ASP.NET application that has
> a time portion. I give my users the option to perform an equals,
> greater than, less than, or between comparison. The trouble comes in
> the way the application builds the criteria string. The WHERE clause
> passed in is in the format, "(start_dt = '2005/05/16 07:00:00.000')".
> What I want to do is only compare the date portion of start_dt to the
> date portion of the passed in time. Manipulating the start_dt with the
> built-in SQL functions isn't a problem, but altering the date passed in
> from the ASP.NET would be a massive framework change in the app.
> Is there any way to only compare the date portions of both the SQL
> field and the passed in value?
> Thanks.|||You have to convert it to a the valid format you want to comapre it to, e.g.
(from BOL --> Convert)
CONVERT(varchar(8),YourdateinHere,112) which will apply iso date formatting
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"colinhumber" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>I have a datetime variable coming from my ASP.NET application that has
> a time portion. I give my users the option to perform an equals,
> greater than, less than, or between comparison. The trouble comes in
> the way the application builds the criteria string. The WHERE clause
> passed in is in the format, "(start_dt = '2005/05/16 07:00:00.000')".
> What I want to do is only compare the date portion of start_dt to the
> date portion of the passed in time. Manipulating the start_dt with the
> built-in SQL functions isn't a problem, but altering the date passed in
> from the ASP.NET would be a massive framework change in the app.
> Is there any way to only compare the date portions of both the SQL
> field and the passed in value?
> Thanks.|||You need to consider using CONVERT fnc with RIGHT
or using DATEPART !
exemple :
right(convert(varchar, @.datetime, 112),10)
cast(datepart(hour,@.datetime) as varchar) + ':' +
cast(datepart(minute,@.datetime) as varchar) + ':' +
cast(datepart(second,@.datetime) as varchar)|||Thanks for the quick reply.
Doing the conversion on the start_dt isn't a problem, but as the value being
passed in from the app is in a dynamic string, performing some string
manipulation would be difficult as the string length could vary. The
frameworks as it stands uses dynamic criteria strings so changing that is no
an option. I was hoping there was a way to compare only the date portions
without too much manipulation.
"Jens Sü?meyer" wrote:

> You have to convert it to a the valid format you want to comapre it to, e.
> (from BOL --> Convert)
> CONVERT(varchar(8),YourdateinHere,112) which will apply iso date formattin
> --
> HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
> --
> --
> "colinhumber" <> schrieb im Newsbeitr
>|||DateDiff(day, 0, <AnyDate> ) strips off the time portion...
Where DateDiff(day, 0, start_dt) <Operator> DateDiff(day, 0, @.PassedInDate)
is one way to do this generically. (Happens to be really fast too.)
"colinhumber" wrote:

> I have a datetime variable coming from my ASP.NET application that has
> a time portion. I give my users the option to perform an equals,
> greater than, less than, or between comparison. The trouble comes in
> the way the application builds the criteria string. The WHERE clause
> passed in is in the format, "(start_dt = '2005/05/16 07:00:00.000')".
> What I want to do is only compare the date portion of start_dt to the
> date portion of the passed in time. Manipulating the start_dt with the
> built-in SQL functions isn't a problem, but altering the date passed in
> from the ASP.NET would be a massive framework change in the app.
> Is there any way to only compare the date portions of both the SQL
> field and the passed in value?
> Thanks.

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