Thursday, March 29, 2012

Date Range logic

Good morning all,

I've got a little headscratcher for you involving date ranges.

We have a table for recording absences:
Absence(unique_identifier, parent_identifier, date_from, date_to ... )
And an employee table
Employees(unique_identifier, Surname, Firstname, birth_date ...)

Where the relationship between the two is:
Employees.unique_identifier = Absence.parent_identifier

The problem lies when wanting to know whether an employee was off within a specified date range.


u_id p_id date_from date_to
1 1 2007-02-01 2007-02-06
2 2 2007-01-29 2007-02-06
3 2 2007-03-25 2007-03-25
4 3 2007-06-06 2007-06-08
5 4 2007-02-05 2007-02-06

Given the above sample results, how can I identify which employees were off during the first week of February (2007-02-01 to 2007-02-07)?

Expected Results:

u_id p_id date_from date_to
1 1 2007-02-01 2007-02-06
2 2 2007-01-29 2007-02-06
5 4 2007-02-05 2007-02-06

Any advice you can give to help me get the answer I need is much appreciated :)Why's the middle line in red? I don't know the SQL for that...|||Errr... There was a reason for that, which I now realise is meaningless because I didn't post the SQL I tried already...
EDIT: I say "I", I actually mean "an employee using the WYSIWYG query editor built into a system.

SELECT p_id FROM Absence WHERE date_from BETWEEN '20070201' AND '20070207'

Clearly won't return that line, which needs including.

Did I mention that I want the results in bold, aligned right and every other line needs to be red? I am using Query Analyzer.|||I don't get the difficulty. Am I missing something?

FROM Absence
WHERE date_from BETWEEN '20070201' AND '20070207'
OR date_to BETWEEN '20070201' AND '20070207'|||Unless he wants employees that are on leave for the FULL period of
Feb 1 to Feb 6 ?|||Poots, would the following row be returned?

u_id p_id date_from date_to
6 7 2007-01-25 2007-03-01

The above was off during the period in question|||SELECT p_id
FROM Absence
WHERE date_from <= '20070207'
AND date_to >= '20070201'|||Poots, would the following row be returned?No - and it illustrates the error in concentrating on inadequate sample data instead of the logic of the problem :p|||Thanks for the solution Peso and thanks for your help Poots!
I can't believe how long I've been staring at this and not been able to get my head round a logical answer!

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